"And so hopefully, if our humble little show touches you in any way, you might walk out of this theater a slightly different person."
Eric Bogosian, Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Me Project: ONE YEAR LATER.

Hey there reader (s)? of my blog...

So here I am, starting another school year at the best theatre department known to high schoolers (forgive me if I seem biased). Play auditions are getting underway and the smell of theatricality is in the air. The first blog of the new season is reflective, looking back on that little Me Project I completed waaaaay back when I was a new student in these hallowed halls. Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

Production Seen: Hair. I believe that this shows how not only my worldview has expanded since, but also how my defnition of a production has changed. When I was in the states, my shows seen consisted solely of musicals, not even a single straight play-- of course I was AWARE of straight plays, but I had never been in one or seen one. While my love still resides on Broadway, I've come to realize that there are so many other forms of theatre out there, many telling a story with methods other than the beauty of song and dance. Within my first few months here I encountered so many new forms of performance, some which I took a great liking to, I find it hard to believe I had shut myself off from so many alternative forms of expression. While that show still remains in my memory forever and always, I believe that it may not be as great of a hands-down win against shows I have experienced since.

Production Participated in: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee. I still hold this performance in high regard, but I believe that as a performer my skills have been tested and strengthened tenfold this year. I was first able to stretch what hinders me most, my memory, with the exorbitant amount of lines in Our Town.  This was also a test in the sense that I was finding myself isolated in both the figurative sense with the immensity of the role, and the literal sense as I spent so much more time onstage than any other character. I was challenged in a different way during Stone Girls Dreaming. While being blessed with a closer, tighter-knit cast for this play, I had not only a challenging role to place myself in but also I had the additional tasks as co-director to add to the mix. placing 9 crazy-opinionated teenagers in a high intensity situation and you get interesting results. I was more in my comfort zone during Fiddler on the Roof, but I found myself being a role model to the younger players for the first time, as well as working with many new faces very closely. Finally, during Random Acts I got to try my hand at directing solo and at writing a short piece, as well as performing. This has been a full and successful year and I'm hoping the future will be even more intriguing.

A Piece of the World: Sunshine Squad Practice.  Living in America for the longest stationary period of my life affected this choice greatly. It demonstrates how I came to value a time and a people over a place. I think in Korea I've changed a bit, valuing my location and the culture that comes with it just as much as the people who I have encountered here. This country has such a rich and really old history that one would be a fool not to take advantage of. I think this is a piece of the world that has changed me, provided me comfort, and forced me outside of my comfort zone. Everywhere from the Lyso Center Stage to the Andong area to the floor of my director's office-- it has all shaped me, just as much as the people have.

A Theatre Practice: Grotowski's Beehive. I had always thought that my old director was highly proactive in teaching us about this practitioner, but now I realize that this one Polish man was merely the tip of a practitioner ICEBERG. I have learned so much through Mark Hill and the Practitioner Projects about these amazing creators, it now makes me want to perhaps go back to Grotowski and investigate further....

A Piece of Art: Ms. Novak's Class Thank You Card. This one has literally no change. My love for working with children is still as passionate as ever, and moments like recieving this card make my day every time.

So now I have to ADD three images to sum up my year. Quite a difficult task. I guess I'd go with one from SGD, one from Fiddler, and one from Random Acts (specifically Philip Glass). They are on my other computer so pictures to be posted later.

Night night y'all ;)

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