"And so hopefully, if our humble little show touches you in any way, you might walk out of this theater a slightly different person."
Eric Bogosian, Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ellie "Fries" up a TPPP :)

Have you ever had a really well thought out, profound concept?
Have you ever applied it to your life as a theatre artist?
Have you ever talked for thirty minutes nonstop to a group of very drowsy people?
How about all three AT ONCE?

Welcome to the TPPP. Have a seat, Benji. 
Our teacher had introduced us to what the IB assessments entailed, but i don't think ANY of us were prepared to see the harsh reality of the TPPP right before our eyes so soon. Ellie was a really good example, and perhaps he fact that she was that good made it even scarier for us inferior people with less cool accents.

One of my main fears with the TPPP is that I won't be able to come up with a solid script. I am not very confident in my more analytical forms of writng, and as I've learned in IBHL English, this isn't about being cute or funny or witty, flair is something you add on last, once you've nailed the BIG FOUR:  
Pretty big, huh Benji? It worries me. One thing does reassure me, however. My experiences. I need to have ten images that reflect what I've learned. I already have so many experiences, and it's only 3 months into the whole thing! See?
-Our Town
-Robert Wilson's Krapp's Last Tape
-Tadashi Suzuki's Dionysus
-Mark Hill
-Little Prince
-Jungle Book/Mulan Jr. 
-Rich Swingle

And there is so much more coming definitely, like the IB play and the spring musical (that makes eleven right there!), not to mention the surprise events we don't even know are happening. 

Maybe the TPPP won't be so scary after all. 

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely right. You have nothing to fear. Absolutely nothing. You will do great.
    Just keep an accurate list on your blog of all that you do, study and research through this year and you will see...it is all there for the taking. Be intentional about documenting it all though. You can do it!!!
