So I’ve just returned from an exhilarating adventure with my class as Taejon Beach, and I came across the most perfect topic to write about for my journal. It was a typical girls night of bonding in our cabin of 18 (all girls, 5 non-Asian, 13 Asian) above the beautiful seaside. Sorry to disappoint boys, but there was no underwear-clad dancing, pillow fighting, or kiss practicing. But there were copious amounts of junk food and plenty of screaming and laughter.
Now, in drama class this past week, Mrs. Moon challenged us to differentiate between IMITATION, INFLUENCE, and INSPIRATION. As if a sign from God himself, i experienced all three of these in a matter of 48 hours, beginning with the late night girl talk.
The experience began with imitation. One girl claims she can do the best "face" of another girl in the crowd. After her performance is done, others begin to chip in with their favorite quirks of the one poor girl. But alas, the "poor girl" gets revenge, and counters with a spot on impersonation of the girl who started this whole ordeal. Soon everyone is being imitated by everyone else, even us newbies (apparently we've been around them long enough for them to absorb our daily tics!). This whole event took nearly an hour, and we all were a pile of girlish giggles by the end. Who knew that simply seeing another person's mannerisms could bring such a sense of entertainment? I compare it to seeing a painting on a brick wall as opposed to a framed canvas. It the people are as drastically different, watching them,merely imitate the antithesis of their being can be truly pleasurable.
The presence of influence stole upon me like a thief in the night. I found myself sitting at the breakfast table, watching as many, many girls who all looked the same took their seats around me. But as I looked closer, I saw many different people, but seemingly descendant of the same. They all wore similar clothes, and had similar cameras, and talked in similar ways, but it was the different translation each girl took from the popular culture mainstream that fascinated me. It was as if there were a "mother" and they were all her daughters, who took after her in different ways. And that's what influence is all about. Taking what is good and making it your own.
And inspiration? Well, I see something every day that inspires me. Today, I met a girl who was born at the exact time, day and year as me. That inspires me. I saw another ocean today, a new realm i had never even encountered before, and was all before me in its own beautiful way. That also inspires me. You see, Benji, Life IS inspiration. You can study the floor or ceiling of a room and be inspired. You just have to look outward, but at the same time think inward.
Outwardly, Inwardly, Yours,
Melissa (the).....
Dear Melissa, Great observations. I can say that you are much more of an inspiration than someone who imitates by any stretch of the imagination. I cannot imagine you imitating those girls but I can imagine you observing and, of course, observation is such an important quality for an actor. So how does all of this fit into the act of creation for the artist? Remember to bring it back to the creation of art if you can.